來自波士頓新英格蘭音樂學院所組成的五人女聲領唱樂團Lake Street Dive,橫跨獨立搖滾、靈魂、民謠、爵士等領域,不斷呈現各種風格給樂迷,每每推出專輯都讓樂迷期待新的聽覺饗宴!
14 of the most popular selections from this creative and innovative band which formed at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston. Our collection includes arrangements for piano, voice and guitar.
曲目/目錄 l Anymore l Bad Self Portraits l Good Kisser l Hypotheticals l I Can Change l I Don't Care About You l Making Do l Mistakes l Nobody's Stopping You Now l Same Old News l Stop Your Crying l Use Me Up l What I'm Doing Here l You Go Down Smooth